There is a magical place
about half way between Santa Marta and Riohacha.
From the
highway it doesn’t look like much – just a few local restaurants, tiendas selling Aquila and detergent to wash your clothes, and puestos de
comidas rápidas. But have some patience.

When you arrive
at the beach take a left and head northwest. The waves pound the slanted shore. Your feet sink into the wet sand.

After about 20
minutes, your body covered head to toe in a salty sweat, you will
find where the river meets the sea.
The Sierra Nevada
Mountain Range of Santa Marta juts upwards, lush and green. Low river plants
grow along the riverbed. The ocean’s waves crash over the small stretch of sand
that is left and into the river. Saltwater mixes with freshwater.
The river is a
muddy brown, but the water is cool. Wade in and cool off.
You have arrived
to where the river meets the sea.
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